Coffee with Chaps
The Road Home Program offers a Veteran Peer-to-Peer support group moderated by Mark “Chaps” Schimmelpfennig, Chaplain and Spiritual Care Director at Road Home. Meet virtually to discuss issues and get support from fellow veterans who understand the challenges you are coping with. Coffee with Chaps meets every Tuesday, 1800 – 1930 CT.
Do You Love a Vet?
The Road Home Program provides a supportive and informative forum where caregivers, spouses, partners, family members, loved ones and friends meet virtually once a month to ask questions and offer encouragement as part of a community of people who understand the challenges you are facing. Do You Love a Vet? meets the first Thursday of every month, 6PM – 7:30PM.
Support groups are free to attend and meet online. The groups are available to Illinois residents only at this time. Call (312) 942-8387 for further information.