Our Work
Journal of Traumatic Stress.
Philip Held, Brian J. Klassen, Alyson K. Zalta, Mark H. Polla
Cognitive and Behavioral Practice.
Philip Held, Brian J. Klassen, Michael B. Brennan, and Alyson K. Zalta
European Journal of Psychotraumatology.
Philip Held, Brian J. Klassen, Victoria L. Steigerwald, Dale L. Smith, Karyna Bravo, David C. Rozek, Rebecca Van Horn, Alyson Zalta
Journal of Traumatic Stress.
Philip Held, Brian J. Klassen, Denise S. Zou, Blake S. Schroedter, Niranjan S. Karnik, Mark H. Pollack, Alyson K. Zalta
Psychological Trauma.
Philip Held, Brian J. Klassen, Joanne M. Hall, Tanya R. Friese, Marcel M. Bertsch-Gout, Alyson K. Zalta, and Mark H. Pollack
European Journal of Psychotraumatology.
Philip Held, Victoria L. Steigerwald, Dale L. Smith, Debra Kaysen, Rebecca Van Horn and Niranjan S. Karnik
BMC Psychiatry.
Held, P., Kaysen, D. L., & Smith, D. L.
Journal of Traumatic Stress.
Manuscript accepted for publication.
Splaine, C., Smith, D.L., Held, P.
Manuscript accepted for publication
Steigerwald, V. L., Bagley, J. M., Parrish, M. S., Van Horn, R., & Held, P.
Held, P., Meade, E. A., Kovacevic, M., Smith, D. L., Pridgen, S., Coleman, J. A., & Klassen, B. J.
Psychological Trauma.
Philip Held, Brian J. Klassen, Randy A. Boley, Shannon Wiltsey Stirman, Dale L. Smith, Michael B. Brennan, Rebecca Van Horn, Mark H. Pollack, Niranjan S. Karnik, and Alyson K. Zalta
Journal of Psychiatric Research.
Philip Held, Dale L. Smith, Jenna M. Bagley, Merdijana Kovacevic, Victoria L. Steigerwald, Rebecca Van Horn, Niranjan S. Karnik
Journal of Anxiety Disorders.
Dale L. Smith, Merdijana Kovacevic, Mauricio Montes, Sarah Pridgen, Philip Held
Cognitive and Behavioral Practice.
Philip Held, Brian J. Klassen, Jennifer A. Coleman, Kaitlin Thompson, Thad S. Rydberg, Rebecca Van Horn
Journal of Traumatic Stress
Philip Held, Merdijana Kovacevic, Kelsey Petrey, Enya A. Meade, Sarah Pridgen, Mauricio Montes, Michelle L. Miller, Dale L. Smith, Niranjan S. Karnik
Psychiatric Annals.
Philip Held, PhD; Jenna M. Bagley, BS, BA; Brian J. Klassen, PhD; and Mark H. Pollack, MD
Journal of Anxiety Disorders.
Manuscript accepted for publication.
Meade, E.A., Smith, D.L., Montes, M. Norman, S.B., & Held, P.
Journal of Traumatic Stress.
Rufa, A. K., Carroll, K. K., Lofgreen, A., Klassen, B., Held, P., & Zalta, A. K.
Focus (American Psychiatric Publishing).
Ashton M Lofgreen, PhD; Kathryn K Carroll, PhD; Sheila A Dugan MD; and Niranjan S Karnik MD, PhD
Journal of Affective Disorders
Kathryn K. Carroll, PhD; Ashton M Lofgreen, PhD; Darian C Weaver, BS; Philip Held, PhD; Brian J. Klassen, PhD; Dale L. Smith, PhD; Niranjan S Karnick MD, PhD; Mark H Pollack, MD; Alyson K Zalta, PhD
Journal of Affective Disorders.
Ashton M. Lofgreen, PhD; Vanessa Tirone, PhD; Kathryn K. Caroll, PhD; Anne K. Rufa, PhD; Dale L. Smith, PhD; Jenna M. Bagley, B.S., B.A.; Alyson K. Zalta, PhD; Michael B. Brennan, PsyD; Rebecca Van Horn, MD; Mark H. Pollack, MD; Philip Held, PhD
Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
Vanessa Tirone, Dale Smith, Victoria L Steigerwald, Jenna M Bagley, Michael Brennan, Rebecca Van Horn, Mark Pollack, Philip Held
Psychological Medicine.
Smith, D. L., & Held, P.
Journal of Psychiatric Research.
Held, P., Schubert, R. A., Pridgen, S., Kovacevic, M., Montes, M., Christ, N. M., Banerjee, U., & Smith, D. L.