Road Home Publications

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Massed Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) and Intensive Treatment
Treatment Response Trajectories in a Three-Week CPT-Based Intensive Treatment for Veterans with PTSD.
Journal of Psychiatric Research.
Held, P., Smith, D. L., Bagley, J. M., Kovacevic, M., Steigerwald, V. L., Van Horn, R., & Karnik, N. S.
A Case Series Examining PTSD and Depression Symptom Reductions Over the Course of a 2-Week Virtual Intensive PTSD Treatment Program for Veterans.
Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy.
Held, P., Coleman, J. A., Petrey, K., Klassen, B. J., Pridgen, S., Bravo, K., Smith, D. L., & Van Horn, R.
Impact of Intensive Treatment Programs for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder on Suicidal Ideation in Veterans and Service Members.
Psychological Services.
Post, L. M., Held, P., Smith, D. L., Black, K., Van Horn, R., Pollack, M. H., Rothbaum, B. O., & Rauch, S. A. M.
Maintenance of Treatment Gains up to 12-Months Following a Three-Week Cognitive Processing Therapy-Based Intensive PTSD Treatment Programme for Veterans.
European Journal of Psychotraumatology.
Held, P., Zalta, A. K., Smith, D. L., Bagley, J. M., Steigerwald, V. L., Boley, R. A., Miller, M., Brennan, M. B., Van Horn, R., & Pollack, M. H.
Feasibility of a 3-Week Intensive Treatment Program for Service Members and Veterans With PTSD.
Psychological Trauma.
Held, P., Klassen, B. J., Boley, R. A., Wiltsey Stirman, S., Smith, D. L., Brennan, M. B., Van Horn, R., Pollack, M. H., Karnik, N. S., & Zalta, A. K..
Delivering Intensive PTSD Treatment Virtually: The Development of a 2-Week Intensive Cognitive Processing Therapy–Based Program in Response to COVID-19.
Cognitive and Behavioral Practice.
Held, P., Klassen, B. J., Coleman, J. A., Thompson, K., Rydberg, T. S., & Van Horn, R.
A Case Report of Cognitive Processing Therapy Delivered Over a Single Week.
Cognitive and Behavioral Practice.
Held, P., Klassen, B. J., Small, C. F., Brennan, M. B., Van Horn, R., Karnik, N. S., Pollack, M. H., & Zalta, A. K.
Increasing Mindfulness Skills of Veterans with PTSD Through Daily Mindfulness Training Incorporated Into an Intensive Treatment Program.
Miller, M. L., Bagley, J. M., Normand, P., Brennan, M. B., Van Horn, R., Pollack, M. H., & Held, P.
Examining Insomnia During Intensive Treatment for Veterans with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Does it Improve and Does it Predict Treatment Outcomes?
Journal of Traumatic Stress.
Zalta, A. K., Pinkerton, L. M., Valdespino‐Hayden, Z., Smith, D. L., Burgess, H. J., Held, P., Boley, R. A., Karnik, N. S., & Pollack, M. H. 2019
Novel Delivery Formats of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies.
Psychiatric Annals.
Held, P., & Pollack, M. H.
Intensively Delivered Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies: An Overview of a Promising Treatment Delivery Format for PTSD and Other Mental Health Disorders.
Psychiatric Annals.
Held, P., Bagley, J. M., Klassen, B. J., & Pollack, M. H.
Characteristics of Veteran and Civilian Suicide Decedents: A Sex-Stratified Analysis.
American Journal of Preventative Medicine.
Horwitz, A. G., Smith, D. L., Held, P., & Zalta, A. K.
Posttraumatic Cognitions and Suicidal Ideation Among Veterans Receiving PTSD Treatment.
Cognitive Therapy and Research.
Horwitz, A. G., Held, P., Klassen, B. J., Karnik, N. S., Pollack, M. H., & Zalta, A. K.
Evaluating Patterns and Predictors of Symptom Change During a Three-Week Intensive Outpatient Treatment for Veterans with PTSD.
BMC Psychiatry.
Zalta, A. K., Held, P., Smith, D. L., Klassen, B. J., Lofgreen, A. M., Normand, P. S., Brennan, M. B., Rydberg, T. S., Boley, R. A., Pollack, M. H., & Karnik, N. S.
Intensive Treatment Models to Address Posttraumatic Stress Among Post-9/11 Warriors: The Warrior Care Network.
Focus (American Psychiatric Publishing).
Harvey, M. M., Rauch, S. A., Zalta, A. K., Sornborger, J., Pollack, M. H., Rothbaum, B. O., Laifer, L. M., & Simon, N. M.
Sexual Trauma
Improving Outcomes for a 3-Week Intensive Treatment Program for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Survivors of Military Sexual Trauma.
Journal of Affective Disorders.
Lofgreen, A. M., Tirone, V., Carroll, K. K., Rufa, A. K., Smith, D. L., Bagley, J., Zalta, A. K., Brennan, M. B., Van Horn, R., Pollack, M. H., & Held, P.
Examining the Impact of Sexual Revictimization in a Sample of Veterans Undergoing Intensive PTSD Treatment.
Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
Tirone, V., Smith, D., Steigerwald, V. L., Bagley, J. M., Brennan, M., Van Horn, R., Pollack, M., & Held, P.
An Overview of Sexual Trauma in the U.S. Military.
Focus (American Psychiatric Publishing).
Lofgreen, A. M., Carroll, K. K., Dugan, S. A., & Karnik, N. S.
Substance Use
Impact of Hazardous Alcohol Use on Intensive PTSD Treatment Outcomes among Veterans.
European Journal of Psychotraumatology.
Held, P., Steigerwald, V. L., Smith, D. L., Kaysen, D., Van Horn, R., & Karnik, N. S.
Moral Injury
Do Morally Injurious Experiences and Index Events Negatively Impact Intensive PTSD Treatment Outcomes among Combat Veterans?
European Journal of Psychotraumatology.
Held, P., Klassen, B. J., Steigerwald, V. L., Smith, D. L., Bravo, K., Rozek, D. C., Van Horn, R., & Zalta, A.
“I Knew It Was Wrong the Moment I Got the Order”: A Narrative Thematic Analysis of Moral Injury in Combat Veterans.
Psychological Trauma.
Held, P., Klassen, B. J., Hall, J. M., Friese, T. R., Bertsch-Gout, M. M., Zalta, A. K., & Pollack, M. H.
Using Prolonged Exposure and Cognitive Processing Therapy to Treat Veterans With Moral Injury-Based PTSD: Two Case Examples.
Cognitive and Behavioral Practice.
Held, P., Klassen, B. J., Brennan, M. B., & Zalta, A. K.
Negative Posttrauma Cognitions Mediate the Association Between Morally Injurious Events and Trauma‐Related Psychopathology in Treatment‐Seeking Veterans.
Journal of Traumatic Stress.
Held, P., Klassen, B. J., Zou, D. S., Schroedter, B. S., Karnik, N. S., Pollack, M. H., & Zalta, A. K.
Understanding the Impact and Treatment of Moral Injury Among Military Service Members.
Journal of Traumatic Stress.
Held, P., Klassen, B. J., Zou, D. S., Schroedter, B. S., Karnik, N. S., Pollack, M. H., & Zalta, A. K.
The Postencounter Form System: Viewpoint on Efficient Data Collection Within Electronic Health Records.
JMIR Formative Research.
Held, P., Boley, R. A., Faig, W. G., O’Toole, J. A., Desai, I., Zalta, A. K., Khan, J., Sims, S., Brennan, M. B., Van Horn, R., Glover, A. C., Hota, B. N., Patty, B. D., Rab, S. S., Pollack, M. H., & Karnik, N. S.
Characteristics of Veterans and Military Service Members Who Endorse Causing Harm, Injury, or Death to Others in the Military.
Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy.
Held., P., Boley, R. A., Karnik, N. S., Pollack, M. H., & Zalta, A. K.
Veterans’ Perspectives on Fitbit Use in Treatment for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: An Interview Study
JMIR Mental Health.
Ng, A., Reddy, M., Zalta, A. K., & Schueller, S. M.
Examining the Relationship Between Parent and Child Psychopathology in Treatment-Seeking Veterans.
Child Psychiatry and Human Development.
Zalta, A. K., Bui, E., Karnik, N. S., Held, P., Laifer, L. M., Sager, J. C., Zou, D., Rauch, P. K., Simon, N. M., Pollack, M. H., & Ohye, B.
A Pilot Study of Tailored Cognitive-Behavioral Resilience Training for Trauma Survivors With Subthreshold Distress.
Journal of Traumatic Stress.
Zalta, A. K., Tirone, V., Siedjak, J., Boley, R. A., Vechiu, C., Pollack, M. H., & Hobfoll, S. E.
To participate in Road Home Program research please call (312) 942-8387 (VETS) or fill out the Request for Information form.