Thank you for your support of Road Home Program. We have volunteer opportunities for every interest and level of time commitment. Volunteering your time and energy is a very personal and direct way to help the veterans, service members and their families that we serve.

Please note, you may have to complete Rush University Medical Center training before beginning your service, depending on the type of service or activity.

Please fill out our volunteer application form or email us at team@roadhomeprogram.org for more information. We will do our best to contact you within one week to schedule a phone interview and talk about forthcoming volunteer opportunities.
RUSH | Road Home Program

    Apply to Volunteer

    How frequently do you wish to volunteer? (E.g. "I would like to provide welcome bags to every cohort in the summer months.")

    Do you have any further questions or comments for the RHP Team?

    In short, why do you want to volunteer for RHP?

    Volunteer options: (FYI, Cohorts are typically 18 patients every 2 weeks.)